
Monday Jul 31, 2023
E36- UAP Subcommittee (We’re BACK!!)
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
We're BACK!! We will have a future episode on what happened to us. However, with the hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena held by the National Security Subcommittee recently we decide to put this one first.
Want to be a part of the show, have a story to share, any questions for the team, or have a topic you want to hear? Contact us at podcast@militaryparanormal.com or through one of our links below. Hope you enjoy the show and let us know how our podcast from the field sounded.
#ufos #ufo #aliens #alien #ufology #ufosighting #area #ufologia #ufosightings #ovnis #ovni #extraterrestrial #ancientaliens #UAPsubcommittee #aliensarereal #extraterrestrials #alienabduction #space #extraterrestre #nasa #roswell #extraterrestres #paranormal #flyingsaucer #ufohunter #spaceship #uap #universe #ufocatcher #mufon
Adobe stock done by Rob
Audio used during break:
"Was Frederick Valentich Abducted by a UFO?" @DepthZero1
Need paranormal equipment mentioned in the podcast? Visit one of our affiliate links!
Amazon.com Online shopping for electronics, equipment, apparel & more
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
Need advice/questions answered/help?
Reach MPI at:
Military Paranormal Investigations
Or email us at:

Friday Dec 11, 2020
E35- Caddo Campfire Pt2
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Here we go with the 3rd night being at Caddo Lake and what we did during the day. This one I think is the better of the two simply because of what happened and what we found. Hope you enjoy part two of the Caddo Lake Campfire Podcast.
Want to be a part of the show, have a story to share, any questions for the team, or have a topic you want to hear? Contact us at podcast@militaryparanormal.com or through one of our links below. Hope you enjoy the show and let us know how our podcast from the field sounded.
Also because of the great interaction and your requests, once we get caught up we will get back to the weekly show.
#paranormalactivity #scarystories #militaryparanormal #Paranormalinvestigator #paranormalstories #ghost #haunted #supernatural #cryptid #paranormal #bigfoot #Caddolake
Taken by Rob
Need paranormal equipment mentioned in the podcast? Visit one of our affiliate links!
Amazon.com Online shopping for electronics, equipment, apparel & more
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
Need advice/questions answered/help?
Reach MPI at:
Military Paranormal Investigations
Or email us at:

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
E34- Caddo Campfire Pt1
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
[UPDATE: I fixed the audio and it should sound better in this 2nd version]
Covid is still hitting us hard it's been tough getting shows together. We should get two more out there before the end of the year. We originally planned to attend a Bigfoot conference, but due to covid and other unforeseen circumstances we instead decided to investigate (recon) Caddo Lake. This is part one of Caddo campfire (our 2nd campfire podcast), where we discuss what we've done during the day investigating. Hope you enjoy.....
Want to be a part of the show, have a story to share, any questions for the team, or have a topic you want to hear? Contact us at podcast@militaryparanormal.com or through one of our links below. Hope you enjoy the show and let us know how our podcast from the field sounded.
Also because of the great interaction and your requests, once we get caught up we will get back to the weekly show.
#paranormalactivity #scarystories #militaryparanormal #Paranormalinvestigator #paranormalstories #ghost #haunted #supernatural #cryptid #paranormal #bigfoot #Caddolake
Taken by Rob
Need paranormal equipment mentioned in the podcast? Visit one of our affiliate links!
Amazon.com Online shopping for electronics, equipment, apparel & more
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
Need advice/questions answered/help?
Reach MPI at:
Military Paranormal Investigations
Or email us at:

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
E33- Fort Belknap, TX
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
With TX opening up in phases, we have been busy with the overload of work and haven't been able to record a podcast. That being said we were also able to get finally get out of town for a weekend and we came across a place to investigate. We decided to do a podcast on a piece of Texas history that we were given full access.
In this episode we talk with Jim Hammond, the Director of Fort Belknap and what this fort did for Texas. Yes, there are paranormal stories, but what really caught our attention was his passion for the history. It was a win-win for our team because the RECON was given to us. Listen to a great podcast filled with stories of the past, mysteries still on this fort, and the paranormal activity. Some things will blow your mind....
Want to be a part of the show, have a story to share, any questions for the team, or have a topic you want to hear? Contact us at podcast@militaryparanormal.com or through one of our links below. Hope you enjoy the show and let us know how our podcast from the field sounded.
Also because of the great interaction and your requests,once we get caught up we will get back to the weekly show.
#paranormalactivity #scarystories #militaryparanormal #Paranormalinvestigator #paranormalstories #ghost #haunted #supernatural #cryptid #paranormal #fortbelknap #texashistory
Taken by Rob
Positive Relaxing Music - Peaceful and reflective music for coding, studying, chill
Need paranormal equipment mentioned in the podcast? Visit one of our affiliate links!
Amazon.com Online shopping for electronics, equipment, apparel & more
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
Need advice/questions answered/help?
Reach MPI at:
Military Paranormal Investigations
Or email us at:

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
E32- Men In Black
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
In this episode we talk about the conspiracy of the Men In Black (Not the movie series). From the first mention of them to more recent sightings. What’s the history, why are stories still around, and what do you think? Join us for what should be a great live discussion.
Want to be a part of the show, have a story to share, any questions for the team, or have a topic you want to hear? Contact us at podcast@militaryparanormal.com or through one of our links below. Hope you enjoy the show and let us know how our Skype Podcasts are sounding.
Also because of the great interaction and your requests, we have decided to make this a weekly show!
#paranormalactivity #scarystories #militaryparanormal #Paranormalinvestigator #paranormalstories #ghost #haunted #supernatural #cryptid #paranormal
MPI Live Streaming Platforms:
Facebook live (MPI & Undiscovered Origins), YouTube (MPI & Undiscovered Origins), Mixer, Twitch, Dlive (Discord), Mobcrush, Periscope (Twitter)
Albert K. Bender and Gray Barker
Zoom H3-VR 360° VR Audio Recorder
Stylized depiction of a Man in Black
Will Smith - Men In Black (Video Version)
Need paranormal equipment mentioned in the podcast? Visit one of our affiliate links!
Amazon.com Online shopping for electronics, equipment, apparel & more
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
Need advice/questions answered/help?
Reach MPI at:
Military Paranormal Investigations
Or email us at:

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
E30- COVID-19 and the paranormal world.
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
In this episode Jeff, Mike, and Rob discuss the effects the corronavirus has had on the paranormal and the team itself. Same as last weeks episode and the shelter in place we continue with a Skype Podcast, but this time LIVE. Not only can you listen on the major audio platforms, but now you can watch our podcast on multiple streaming platforms. Check us out on one of the links.
Want to be a part of the show, have a story to share, any questions for the team, or have a topic you want to hear? Contact us at podcast@militaryparanormal.com or through one of our links below. Hope you enjoy show and let us know how our the Skype Podcasts are sounding.
Also because of the great interaction and your requests, we have decided to make this a weekly show!
#paranormalactivity #scarystories #militaryparanormal #Paranormalinvestigator #paranormalstories #ghost #haunted #supernatural #cryptid #paranormal
MPI Live Streaming Platforms:
Facebook live (MPI & Undiscovered Origins), YouTube (MPI & Undiscovered Origins), Mixer, Twitch, Dlive (Discord), Mobcrush, Periscope (Twitter)
Created by Military Paranormal Investigations
Need paranormal equipment mentioned in the podcast? Visit one of our affiliate links!
Amazon.com Online shopping for electronics, equipment, apparel & more
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
Need advice/questions answered/help?
Reach MPI at:
Military Paranormal Investigations
Or email us at:

Monday Apr 06, 2020
E29-Your Paranormal Stories
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
In this episode the MPI team reads and discusses paranormal stories submitted from our listeners. However, due to the COVID-19 and shelter in place this is our first Skype Podcast. Not only can you listen on the major audio platforms but now you can watch this podcast on multiple streaming platforms. Check us out on one of the links.
Want to be a part of the show, have a story to share, any questions for the team, or have a topic you want to hear? Contact us at podcast@militaryparanormal.com or through one of our links below. Hope you enjoy show and let us know how our first Skype Podcast sounded.
#paranormalactivity #scarystories #militaryparanormal #Paranormalinvestigator #paranormalstories #ghost #haunted #supernatural #cryptid #paranormal
MPI Live Streaming Platforms:
Facebook live (MPI & Undiscovered Origins), YouTube (MPI & Undiscovered Origins), Mixer, Twitch, Dlive (Discord), Mobcrush, Periscope (Twitter)
Kevin Studebaker- email submissions
(Former MPI Member) Stephanie D- Text message submission
Created by Military Paranormal Investigations
Need paranormal equipment mentioned in the podcast? Visit one of our affiliate links!
Amazon.com Online shopping for electronics, equipment, apparel & more
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
Need advice/questions answered/help?
Reach MPI at:
Military Paranormal Investigations
Or email us at:

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
E28-State of Paranormal
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
In this episode the MPI team tests out the new portable studio setup. How do you feel about the subject of paranormal? Would you know who to turn to without being ridiculed? Mike and Rob discuss what they feel is the state of the paranormal field.
Want to be a part of the show, have a story to share, any questions for the team, or have a topic you want to hear? Contact us at podcast@militaryparanormal.com or through one of our links below. Hope you enjoyed show and let us know how the new portable setup sounded.
Created by Military Paranormal Investigations
Need paranormal equipment? Visit one of our affiliate links!
Amazon.com Online shopping for electronics, equipment, apparel & more
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
Need advice/questions answered/help?
Reach MPI at:
Military Paranormal Investigations
Or email us at:

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
E27 Campfire Podcast
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
In this mini episode, the MPI team talks about their research project. Listen to the crackling of our campfire while we sit around and discuss our search for bigfoot while on location. Hopefully this will be the first of many campfire episodes during our search at different locations keeping you updated. If you're following us on Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook you'll be able to watch our adventures with upcoming video episodes.
Need paranormal equipment? Visit our affiliate link!
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
Reach MPI at:
Or email us at:

Sunday Jan 19, 2020
E26 - Flying Humanoids
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
In this episode the MPI team talks about mysterious cases of flying humanoids. From the Mothman of Point Pleasant, to the slate of sighting’s in the Chicago area and wrapping up with some sightings in the Houston area there’s obviously something about the phenomena. Mike also tells a personal experience he had while staying near NASA’s Houston Space Center.
The Chicago flying humanoid sightings so far
Houston batman remains a mystery 65 years later
The Houston gargoyle at NASA space center
Chicago phantom
Need paranormal equipment? Visit our affiliate link!
GhostStop...your one stop shop for world leading investigative gear!
MPI GhostStop Link
Reach MPI at:
Or email us at: